東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 足球365比分_欧冠杯赌盘-【官方授权网站】 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ

令和4年度 入学式のお知らせ(4月5日挙行)/ Entrance Ceremony (April 5, 2022)

2022年01月27日 | 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活



令和4年度 入学式の開催概要



第一部 11:00~11:45(予定) 対象:学部入学生?別科入学生
第二部 14:00~14:45(予定) 対象:大学院入学生


式場 本学奏楽堂(上野校地音楽学部)
配信 予定あり


式次第 第一部(対象:学部入学生?別科入学生)


式次第 第二部(対象:大学院入学生)






Entrance Ceremony (April 5, 2022)

We currently plan to hold an entrance ceremony while taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Only new students themselves can attend the ceremony. Any other individuals, including parents and guardians, are not allowed to visit the University on the ceremony day, even for such purposes as taking commemorative photos at the gate and other places outside the University. Thank you for your cooperation in our efforts to provide a safe environment for all attendees.
Please note, however, that this plan may change depending on the COVID-19 situation



Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Part 1
11:00 – 11:45 (TBC)
Attendee: undergraduate students and students enrolling in the Practical Music Course

Part 2
14:00 – 14:45 (TBC)
Attendee: ?graduate students

※Please also check the section below on Assigned Seating and Time to Arrive.


Sogakudo Concert Hall (on the Faculty of Music side of Ueno Campus)
>>Campus map and directions

※A student ID card is required to enter.
※Please also check the section below on Assigned Seating and Time to Arrive.

Live streaming The University will notify new students of the URL to access the live webcast via e-mail in March.

※There are no cloakrooms at the venue. Please bring only necessary items as space is limited, and keep your items with you at all times.
※There are no parking spaces. Please use public transportation to attend this event.
※Taking commemorative photos before and after the ceremony increases the risk of infection. Please follow the guidance of staff on the day.

Program Part 1: undergraduate students and students enrolling in the Practical Music Course

11:00: Ceremony begins
 Instrumental performance
 Acceptance to the University
 Congratulatory address from the President
 Instrumental performance
11:45: Ceremony closes

Program Part 2: graduate students

14:00: Ceremony begins
 Instrumental performance
 Acceptance to the University
 Congratulatory address from the President
 Instrumental performance
14:45: Ceremony closes

Assigned Seating and Time to Arrive

Due to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, only those who RSVP in advance by submitting the attendance form online as instructed by the university will be notified of their seat location and arrival time at the venue. The link to the online form can be found in the documents mailed to successful applicants.

Response to the Spread of COVID-19 (as of February 14, 2022)

?We currently plan to hold an entrance ceremony while taking necessary precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Only new students themselves can attend the ceremony. Any other individuals, including parents and guardians, are not allowed to visit the University on the ceremony day, even for such purposes as taking commemorative photos at the gate and other places outside the University.
?The ceremony will be held in the forenoon of the day for undergraduate students and students enrolling in the Practical Music Course, and in the afternoon for graduate students.
?As for seats at the ceremony venue (Sogakudo Concert Hall), we will assign a specific area for each department, major, etc. Please follow the guidance of the staff.
?To enable students to leave the venue smoothly after the ceremony, we will assign a specific time for each department, major, etc.; therefore, students should remain in their seats until they are told to leave.
?When attending the ceremony, students are asked to follow the action guidelines of the University.
?At the ceremony venue (Sogakudo Concert Hall), students must observe the following rules:
 - Wear a mask and do not talk with others.
 - To avoid congestion, do not take commemorative photos.
 - Place your student ID card on the card reader before entering the venue. Those without a valid student ID will not be allowed to enter.