東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 足球365比分_欧冠杯赌盘-【官方授权网站】 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ


私費外国人留学生のための奨学金には、大学の推薦を要するものと、大学の推薦を要せず留学生本人が直接奨学団体に申請するものとがあります。奨学金によって、応募条件が異なりますので、それぞれの案内をよく読んでください。奨学金に関する情報は、随時、GEIDAI x GLOBALのウェブサイトに情報を掲載します。また、学生課国際交流係、所属の教務係又は事務室でも情報を得ることができますので、お知らせを定期的に確認してください。



○ 留学生受入れ促進プログラム(文部科学省外国人留学生学習奨励費)【大学推薦が必要】

例年4月ごろにGEIDAI x GLOBALのウェブサイト、および、各課掲示板等で周知します。

対象 「留学」の在留資格を有する者
学部レベル   大学学部に正規生又は別科生として在籍する私費外国人留学生
大学院レベル  大学院に正規生又は研究生として在籍する私費外国人留学生
支給額 学部レベル  月額 48,000円
大学院レベル 月額 48,000円


○ 民間奨学金【大学推薦?個人応募】

大学に案内がくる奨学金情報は、随時、GEIDAI x GLOBALウェブサイトに情報を掲載します。学生課国際交流係、所属の教務係又は事務室でも情報を得ることができますので、お知らせを定期的に確認してください。





Student Guide to Japan

Scholarship for International Students in Japan


Scholarship Program for Self-Funded Students

Scholarships for self-funded students are categorized into two types according to the application method: The first type of scholarship requires application through the university, while the second type allows individual students to apply directly to the scholarship foundations. The application requirements differ depending on the scholarship, so please read each guide carefully. Information concerning scholarship programs is posted on the website (GEIDAI x GLOBAL) and also available at each Faculty/Graduate School and the International Affairs Division. Please check updates regularly.

*Candidates receiving recommendation from the university are selected from applications submitted by students. Normally, the result of the selection is announced on the notice board of the Education Affairs Section of each Faculty/Graduate School and the International Affairs Division, or via email within 1 to 3 weeks after the application deadline.
*Please note that the university can provide no more than one recommendation per person each academic year. Multiple recommendations for different scholarship programs are not possible unless the scholarship provider allows otherwise or the previous recommendation for another program has been unsuccessful.
*Students applying for this type of scholarship (requiring recommendation by the university) are requested to make themselves reachable by email or phone at all times during the application period because the university may need to contact applicants to verify the information provided in the submitted documents. Those who need to leave Japan temporarily after submitting their application should notify the International Affairs Division in advance.

○ JASSO Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (Gakushu-Shoreihi)

The JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) Honors Scholarship is a program for privately-financed international students with excellent academic and character records who are enrolled in undergraduate, and graduate programs in Japan and are facing financial difficulties.
The information on the application is posted on GEIDAI x?GLOBAL (website) and on the notice boards of each Faculty/Graduate School around April every year.

Eligibility Applicants must be either regular degree students enrolled in one of the undergraduate or graduate programs, students in the Practical Music Course, or graduate research students, and must hold the “Student” status of residence.
Monthly stipend 48,000 yen per month


○ Scholarship Program from Private Foundations (Applications requiring recommendation by the university / Individual applications)

There are two types of private scholarship programs: The first type of scholarships requires the recommendation by the university, while the second type allows individual students to apply directly to the scholarship foundations.
Application information which the university received by private foundations is posted on the website (GEIDAI x GLOBAL) and also available at each Faculty/Graduate School and the International Affairs Division. Please check updates regularly.

*Some private foundations notify the university of scholarship opportunities, but not all do. Those who wish to obtain information on scholarship programs for privately-financed international students are encouraged to utilize the websites below including the ones by JASSO. Please note that if you have been selected as a recipient of a scholarship through an individual application, you are ineligible for scholarships awarded through recommendation from the university because you cannot simultaneously receive more than one scholarship.

A list of foundations/organizations from which the university received application information or to which our students applied in the past.

>> 参照:民間団体?公共団体等奨学金一覧(PDF) (In Japanese Only)


The Japan Foundation Center

【JASSO】 Study in Japan

【JASSO】Scholarship for International Students in Japan