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令和5年5月8日以降の学生生活等における注意事項について / COVID-19 Precautions after May 8, 2023

2023年05月11日 | 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活






(1) マスクの着用について
>> マスク着用の考え方(厚生労働省)
>> マスク着用の依頼(保健管理センター)

(2) 換気の徹底



>> 「困ったときは?相談窓口一覧」


〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12-8

COVID-19 Precautions after May 8, 2023

To All Students,

The following is a summary of the university’s COVID-19 Precautions after COVID-19 was downgraded to Class 5 under the infectious disease law on May 8, 2023.

The “【To Students】Action guidelines and report form for COVID-19”,“Fever Report Form”, and “Adverse Reaction Report Form” are no longer in effect. If you are infected with or have recovered from COVID-19, submit the “【For Students】“Report on Infection of COVID-19” Form” as before. Please refer to “Infections at the university” (in Japanese only) for information about official permitted absence.

The university’s response may change based on the Japanese government’s latest basic response policy. Please check the university’s response guidelines, which are reviewed and updated in accordance with changes in the situation.

1 Measures to prevent infections on campus and in daily life
Always wash your hands with soap and water, and disinfect your hands with alcohol, not only before entering school or during breaks, but also in your daily life.

※Alcohol disinfectant is available at each building entrance on campus.
※It is no longer necessary to scan your student ID when entering and exiting the campus.

(1) Use of masks
According to the notice from the Ministry of Education (MEXT), the use of masks is not required during education and research activities as of April 1, 2023.
However, in order to avoid Covid-19 infection, please carry your own mask and wear it as needed. Please wear a mask when visiting the Health Care Service Center, as it is a medical facility, as well as during the health checkup on campus.
>> Policy about wearing masks from the Ministry of Health and Welfare (in Japanese)
>> Request for wearing masks from the Health Care Service Center (in Japanese)

(2) Thorough ventilation
In lecture rooms, studios, lesson rooms, etc., turn on the ventilation fans to avoid airtight spaces and provide frequent ventilation even during classes.
For example, please open two windows at the same time, or open both the window and the door to the corridor at least once every 30 minutes during classes to ensure thorough ventilation.
If you use air conditioners, please ensure that the room is properly ventilated.
※Each lecture room, studio, lesson room, and laboratory has been measured for proper ventilation, and the number of students who can be accommodated has been communicated to each faculty member.

2 Student clubs and other extracurricular activities
Student clubs and other extracurricular activities are allowed provided that measures are taken to prevent COVID-19 infection. Please check the university’s infectious disease response guidelines (in Japanese).

3 Consultation Services
There are a number of offices for consultation at the University. Please see this list of contacts (in Japanese) or the Student Guide to Campus Life 2023 (in English) for details.


Student Affairs Division
12-8 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo 1108714