

International Mokuhanga Conference 2014 Special Exhibition
Mokuhan Zomeki 乗 What happened in Japan?

Dates: Aug 30 (Sat) - Sep 14 (Sun), 2014
Closed on Sep 1 (Mon)
Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
Place: Main Gallery 1, 2 (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Admission: free
Organized by International Mokuhanga Conference 2014 Geidai Committee; The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts
Patronized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan; The Committee of Art & Print Studies in Japan; The Austrian Embassy; CWAJ
Authorized by Association for Corporate Support of the Arts
Supported by Agency for Cultural Affairs; Nomura Foundation; ASAHI GROUP ARTS FOUNDATION; The Asahi Shimbun Foundation; Tokyo University of the Arts International Art Exchange Foundation; Geidai Friends; The Japan Association for the Promotion of Arts
Sponsored by Awagami Factory; The Adachi Woodcut Prints; Ozu Washi; Woodlikeatsumura; Baren Studio Kikuhide; Bumpodo; Knife shop Shimizu-hamonoten; UNSODO Corporation; takahashi-kobo

This special exhibition attempts to respond to the increasing number of Mokuhanga print makers around the world. The purpose of this exhibition is to focus on the artist乫s viewpoints on techniques and materials and also to explore why Mokuhanga is so special and interesting. The exhibition is divided into seven sections, each with its own theme. Each section displays the art works and the objects related to the themes. By introducing the many facets of woodcut print making, we hope that this exhibition will provide a place of discovery for both print artists and viewers.

[1] Great Japanese Nude
This section explores how woodcut works faces and treats the age-old theme of the female nude.

[2] Bonmawashi
We introduce Japanese culture items, such as senjafuda (votive cards) and 乬pochi bukuro乭 (small envelopes for tips or gratuity), which are based on woodcut printing.

[3] Mokuhanga to Hold in Your Hands
An exhibit of books 乗 the starting point of woodcut printing 乗 produced in the Edo and Meiji periods from the University Library and Unsodo collections.

[4] The Tale of Genji in Woodcut
An introduction to a major project carried out from the prewar through to the postwar years: the production of a replica in woodcut of a National Treasure 乗 the maki-e of the Tale of Genji.

[5] Geidai Collection
We unveil the woodcut works of the collection of Tokyo University of the Arts.

[6] Carve乛Print乛Place
We focus attention on the space in which woodcuts are produced and re-create in the exhibition galleries the working space of traditional artisans.

[7] Maps of Future Predictions
This section introduces today乫s mokuhanga by looking at the works produced by current, established print makers.

[Special Program]
Traditional Woodcut Demonstration by The Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints
Master cutters and printers from The Adachi Institute will perform live in the artisans乫 working space replica set that will be on display in the exhibition galleries.
[1] Aug 31 (Sun) 13:00-15:00
[2] Sep 12 (Fri) 13:00-15:00

Inquiry: NTT Hello Dial: 03-5777-8600 (Japanese Only)
International Mokuhanga Conference 2014 official website: http://www.mokuhanga.jp/
see the list (PDF)
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