

The Arts, Forms, Sounds between craftsmen and traditional Japanese musical instruments
The Arts, Forms, Sounds between craftsmen and traditional Japanese musical instruments

Dates: Nov 20 (Thu) - Nov 30 (Sun), 2014
Open throughout the session period
Hours: 10:30-16:30 (Entry by 16:00)
Place: Masaki Memorial Gallery 1F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Admission: free
Organized by Tokyo University of the Arts
Supported by Japan Society for Promotion of Science
Patronized by Taito Ward; Tokyo Traditional Japanese Musical Instruments Makers Co-operation
Incorporated with Negishi Kikuoka Sangen Ten; Nanbuya-Goroemon Ltd.; Okadaya-Fuse Co., Ltd.; Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten; Otsuka Chikukan Gakki; Shinohara Maruyoshi Furin; Marusan Hashimoto Co.; Chiga no Tobaru; Ryukyu Gakki Shin'eido; Bugu Kobo Akeru
Planned by Koizumi Fumio Memorial Archives, Department of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts

Traditional Japanese musical instruments are ultimate artifacts which combine sound producing structure and the beauty of objects. As contrasted to Western musical instruments which almost are mass-produced industrial products, complicated producing procedures of Japanese traditional instruments are still carried out by hands of craftsmen. This exhibition introduces their producing procedures to which the craftsmen spare no pains, and tries to search wisdom and skills of making instruments.
Demonstrations of producing the shamisen and wadaiko will be also given during the exhibition.

Inquiry: NTT Hello Dial: 03-5777-8600 (Japanese Only)
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