

contemplating crafts - feeling the materials -
Dates: Apr 29 (Tue) - May 18 (Sun), 2008
Closed on May 12 (Mon)
Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Entry by 16:45)
Place: Chinretsukan Gallery of The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts

Planned and organized by: Committee for "contemplating crafts - feeling the materials -"
Admission: Free
The Craft Department, Tokyo University of the Arts: 050-5525-2575 / 050-5525-2191; email: yousuke@fa.geidai.ac.jp
-> Official site for the exhibition
Accompanying Exhibition

Craft Art Exhibition

There is also an accompanying exhibition "Craft Art Exhibition" where some of the participating artists in the main exhibition show their works which can be purchased.

Dates: Apr 22 (Tue) - May 25 (Sun), 2008
Closed on Mondays (Except: Open on May 5 (Mon); Closed on May 7 (Wed))
Hours: 10:00-18:00
Place: Geidai Art Plaza (located in the University precinct)
Admission: Free
The Craft Department, Tokyo University of the Arts: 050-5525-2181 / 050-5525-2191; email: fumiki@fa.geidai.ac.jp
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