
The Human Body in Contemporary Sculpture
Session: July 1.(Tue)- 21.(Mon), 2003
Closed on July 7. and 14.
Hours: 10:00-17:00 (Fridays until 19:00)
Place: Chinretsukan Gallery
Admission: free

The Department of Sculpture, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music has held three biennial exhibitions at Chinretsukan Gallery of The University Art Museum since 1997 - the exhibition "Transformation of Space : Potential of Sculpture(1997)", "Sculpture: Deconstruction and Construction of Figurative Art(1999)", and "Vertical Time: Past, Present and Future of Sculpture (2001)". This exhibition is the fourth of this series aiming to reconsider the situation of contemporary sculpture. Historical approaches towards the relationship between sculpture and the human body mainly focus on representation of the concrete human figure. However, expressions in modern and contemporary sculpture expand freely through various factors of the body and emotions, regardless of established styles. This exhibition considers the theme of body image and body communication by diverse expressions in contemporary sculpture, along with reconsideration towards various primary human perceptions. We hope it will be an occaision where we will be able to reexamine our present issues related to "Sculpture and the Human Body".

Takeshi Hayashi, Yusaku Kawai, Koji Tanada, Junichi Mori, Shinichi Mori, Takefumi Ichikawa, Eiji Watanabe + Tetsu Takagi

Gallery talk:
July 2. (Tue) 13:00- Eiji Watanabe, Takefumi Ichikawa
July 8. (Wed) 15:00- Yusaku Kawai, Koji Tanada
July 17. (Thu) 15:00- Shinichi Hara, Junichi Mori

Closing Discussion:
July 21. 14:00-
Takeshi Hayashi (Associate Professor, Department of Sculpture), Hidetoshi Fuse (Associate Professor, Department of Artistic Anatomy, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music)

Balloon Tube Project at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music:
July 1. 12:00-
Gyoko Yoshida, Ichiro Nakano and Takefumi Ichikawa

Organized by the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Faculty of Fine Arts, The University Art Museum, and the Department of Sculpture Committee for the exhibition "The Human Body in Contemporary Sculpture"

Supported by the Art Research Foundation

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The Human Body in Contemporary Sculpture
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