

Dürer "Burstbild einer jungen Venezianerin",
ca. 1505
(c) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien
"Meisterwerke aus dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Wien"
Von der Renaissance zum Barock - Kunstschaetze von den Habsburgern
"Masterpieces from dem Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne"
From the Renaissance to the Baroque - Art Treasures of Habsburg
Oktober 5 (Sam.) - Dezember 23 (Mon.Feiertag) 2002
Geschlossen am Montag ausser dem 14.Oktober, dem 4.November und 23.Dezember, und auch geschlossen am 15.Oktober und 5.November

October 5 (Sat.) - December 23 (Mon.Holiday) 2002
Closed on Monday except on October 14, November 4 and December 23 and also closed on October 15 and November 5.

The University Art Museum, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
Erwachschen 1300(1100) yen, Stundenten u. -tinnen, High School Schüler u. -rinnen 800(600)
*() bezeichnen (Gruppentarif), Frei unter Junior High School Schüler u. -rinnen.

Adults 1300(1100) yen, University and High School Students 800(600)
*() indicate (group fee), free under Junior High School Stundents.

"Masterpieces from the Kunsthistorischen Museum, Vienne" is presented from October, 2002 to March, 2003 by The University Art Musem of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto and NHK.

Today, Europe is going on the way of reintegration after 1200 years long since the crowning of Charlemagne (Karl der Grosse). The culture and tradition of the Habsburg Empire handed down for 700 years long since the 13th century is reviewed as the Empire, which hadn't lost its Pan-European character around the Donau.

A great number of art pieces, which was collected like carving its glory in the history by the Habsburg is the core of the collection of the Kunsthistorischem Museum, Vienna. Its collection includes the gem of masterpieces in the field of the paintings from the Renaissance to the Baroque in which the taste of successive principals was reflected.

This exhibition shows about 80 selected art pieces of masters like Dürer, Cranach, Titian, Velazquez, Rubens, etc., It will be a treasurable opportunity to experience the traditional cultured atmosphere of Europe.

Ornganiziert von / Organized by Tokyo National Univerisity of Fine Arts and Music, NHK, NHK Promotions
Unterstüzt von / Patronized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, The Austrian Embassy

<Auskunft / Inquiries>
NTT Hello Dial丂03-5777-8600

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